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Sunday, December 27, 2020
CDC Analysis using JasperGold
In this post, we will look at the analysis of Clock Domain Crossings in a design using the Cadence JasperGold Tool.
Lint in VLSI using Spyglass
Linting in VLSI is the process of checking the program code (static code analysis) against a set of design rules and generating a report with all details of violations.
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Floating Point Addition / Subtraction
FPGA Timing Analysis using Xilinx Vivado
FPGA (Field Programmable Array) consists of the following: Reprogrammable Logic Blocks, Programmable Interconnects and I/O blocks. Let us look at how timing analysis can be performed using Xilinx Vivado Tool.
ASIC Synthesis using Synopsys Design Compiler
Monday, August 24, 2020
Restoring Division Verilog Code
Restoring Division Algorithm is one of the division algorithms used for performing division in digital systems. Let us see how to write the Verilog code for Restoring Division method in FSM format.
Booth Multiplier Verilog Code
Booth's Multiplication Algorithm is a commonly used algorithm for multiplication of two signed numbers. Let us see how to write a Verilog code for this algorithm in an FSM format.
Verilog VPP Switch
SPI Protocol Notes
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Double Flop Synchronizer
Memory Addressing and Wrap concepts
CSR Register operations using APB Protocol
Control and Status Registers (CSR) Introduction
Sunday, June 7, 2020
RTL Design Engineer Job Role
IP-XACT and Kactus2 Tool
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Xilinx Vivado Beginner's Guide
Xilinx ISE Beginner's Guide
Digital Circuits Practice Questions
These are not just for GATE aspirants but for anyone interested in practicing problems. These questions should help you get a fair idea of how to approach problem solving in digital logic.
Fresher Interview Questions
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Stack or LIFO Verilog Code
Synchronous FIFO Verilog Code
Friday, May 1, 2020
Memory in Verilog
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Clock Divider Verilog Code
Thursday, April 23, 2020
3-Bit Up Counter Verilog Code
Verilog Tutorial 6: Synthesizable Constructs
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Verilog Tutorial 5: Modules Instantiation
Now we have a fair idea of writing a complete Verilog module from scratch, be it implementing a logic diagram or an FSM. We proceed to how to handle large designs with multiple modules.
Verilog Tutorial 4: The Verilog Testbench
Writing a complete Verilog Testbench is no less than an art by itself! A complete Testbench at an industrial level must ensure the complete verification of the designed Verilog code.
It must test the Verilog code with all possible combinations of inputs and the desired outputs must be obtained.
Verilog Tutorial 3: FSM based design
Now let us assume it is not easy to manually design and obtain the complete logic diagram. Then you can implement the Finite State Machine (FSM) directly in Verilog using behavioral modelling.
Verilog Tutorial 2: Logic Based Design
Verilog Tutorial 1: Basic Rules
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Sequential Circuit Design
Monday, April 13, 2020
Full Adder Verilog Code
Half Adder Verilog Code
Sunday, April 12, 2020
D Flip-Flop Verilog Code
Combinational Circuit Design
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
8086 Programs: DOS Interrupts
DOS Interrupt functions can be implemented using Assembly programming.
8086 Programs: Matrix Operations
Matrix addition and matrix multiplication will be performed for 3x3 size using Assembly programming.
8086 Programs: Block Data Operations
Operations on a block of data such as Block Move and Block Exchange is performed using Assembly programming.
8086 Programs: BCD and Hex Number Conversions
16-bit Hex is converted to BCD and 16-bit BCD is converted to equivalent Hex value using Assembly programming.
8086 Programs: Array operations Search and Sort
Array operations such as searching and sorting using 16-bit values is performed using Assembly programming.