
Hi there Reader. Welcome to my blog on Digital Electronics and VLSI!

I'm Ajay from India, completed my B.E in Electronics and am currently working as an RTL Design Engineer.

Here you should find a number of interesting posts mainly regarding Digital VLSI.
If you are not familiar with my Verilog coding style, do check the Verilog Tutorials post.
I hope you find this blog useful as well as enjoyable!

The main intention of presenting this blog is to explain different topics of VLSI and Verilog in a clear and concise manner. I have initially laid emphasis on basic topics but in due course of time, will add more topics.
All posts in this blog have been categorized on the right pane and also classified into appropriate heading pages.

There are a number of good VLSI blogs out there and I aim to provide new content in such a way that this blog provides additional material to readers.
I have added links to good materials wherever possible to ensure that the reader is satisfied with the concept. 

All the posts on this blog are original. Any ideas based from elsewhere have been referenced appropriately. 
Please ensure that if any idea is taken from this blog, it is given appropriate credit.
If you have any issues or any queries regarding any of my posts, feel free to contact me using the contact form on the right pane or use this Email ID: electrobinary.vlsi@gmail.com

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