Wednesday, October 5, 2022

AXI Protocol Quiz

ARM AXI Protocol is widely used in the industry as a high performance protocol for communication on System on chips (SoC).
Here are a few quiz questions to test your knowledge on the AXI4 Protocol.
These concepts are useful to crack interview questions as well.


Question 1:
Consider that I am using a data bus width of 64-bits.
What are all the possible values that can be taken by AxSIZE? 

Question 2:
Consider the following scenario on a 32-bit data bus:
AWADDR = 0x100

a) Calculate number of beats in the burst.
b) Calculate number of bytes transferred in each beat of the burst.
c) Calculate total number of bytes transferred in the burst.
d) What will be the width of WSTRB signal?
e) For above transfer, write the pattern of WSTRB signal values for each beat. Is this a full transfer or a narrow transfer?
f) Assume that the AWADDR is changed to 0x102 with other parameters remaining same. 
   Is this an aligned or unaligned transfer with respect to (i) AWSIZE (ii) Bus width?
   In this case, write the pattern of WSTRB signal values for each beat.
g) Repeat subdivision f) if the AWADDR is 0x101.

Question 3:
Consider the following transfer which is initiated to a memory.

a) What is the total number of bytes transferred in the burst?
b) Write down the address values to which each beat of the burst gets written.
c) Is this a narrow transfer or full transfer?
d) Can I initiate above transfer if (i) awaddr is 0x007BC812 (ii) awlen is 31?
e) Assume that the above write transfer needs to be done to a memory whose address range is from 32’h00000000 to 32’h003FFFFF. What will happen?
f) Calculate the size of the memory mentioned in subdivision e) in units of MBits

Question 4:
Consider the following memory containing the following data at the mentioned address locations:

For this memory, read transfer is initiated with the following values (assume 32-bit data bus)

ARADDR = 0x102

a) How many beats of RDATA will I have?
b) What is the value of RDATA in each beat? Byte locations with don’t care data can be marked as ‘x’.

Scroll down for solutions.
It is recommended to attempt all the questions before scrolling down to check your answers!


Answer 1:
For a data-bus width of 64-bits (8-bytes), we can have AxSIZE values upto 8 bytes.
Possible values are: 3'b000, 3'b001, 3'b010, 3'b011

Answer 2:
a) AWLEN = 3. It means there are 4 beats in the burst.
b) AWSIZE = 1. It means 2^1 = 2 bytes are transferred in each beat of the burst.
c) Total number of bytes transferred in the burst = 4 * 2 = 8 bytes
d) For a 32-bit/4-byte data bus, width of WSTRB signal would be 4-bits.
e)  WSTRB values for each beat: 4'b0011, 4'b1100, 4'b0011, 4'b1100.
     Since size of each beat is less than the bus width, it is a narrow transfer.
f)  Address 0x102 is aligned with respect to AWSIZE (2-byte aligned) but not with respect to bus width (not 4-byte aligned)
g) AWADDR = 0x101.
In this case, the address is unaligned with respect to AWSIZE as well as bus width.
WSTRB values for each beat: 4'b0010, 4'b1100, 4'b0011, 4'b1100.

Answer 3:
a) AWLEN = 7 and AWSIZE = 2. It means (7+1)*(2^2) = 32 bytes are transferred.
b) First address is 0x007BC810. It is a wrap-32 transfer.
    The remaining addresses are: 0x007BC814, 0x007BC818, 0x007BC81C, 0x007BC800,
    0x007BC804, 0x007BC808, 0x007BC80C.
c) 4-bytes of data is transferred per beat, and it covers the full data-bus width. Hence it is a full transfer.
d) (i) Not possible, since according to AXI4 protocol, address must be aligned to the size for wrap transfers.
   (ii) Not possible, since awlen = 15 is the maximum allowed value for wrap transfers.
e) We find that the initiated address 0x007BC810 is above the highest address 0x003FFFFF.
     This wil result in a decoder error.
f) Top address = 0x003FFFFF
    Number of bits used = 22
    Total size of memory = 2^22 MBytes = 4MBytes = 32MBits

Answer 4:
a) Number of beats of RDATA = ARLEN + 1 = 3
b) Size of each beat = 2^1 = 2 bytes.
    RDATA values = 32'h4433xxxx, 32'hxxxx6655, 32'h8877xxxx

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