Floating Point Representation in digital systems follows the IEEE-754 format. Let us see how to perform addition / subtraction on floating numbers represented in this format.
The operation that will be performed is addition. To perform subtraction, invert the sign bit of the number to be subtracted and send it to the floating point adder.
Algorithm (Verilog approach):
Obtain the two numbers to be added in IEEE-754 single precision format.
The number will be of the form: {sign (1-bit), exponent (8-bits), mantissa (23-bits)} = Total 32-bits
To automate this number conversion, you can use the h-schmidt converter.
Note: When we say mantissa, it does not consider the 'implicit 1' that is present before the decimal point. However for computations, we include the mantissa with the 'implicit 1', perform the required computations and then discard the implicit 1.
For the below algorithm, the word mantissa represents {1'b1, 23-bit mantissa} = 24-bits
- Compare the exponents of the two numbers. Find the absolute difference (abs_diff) of the two exponents.
- Now shift right the mantissa of the number with smaller exponent by abs_diff times so that now the exponents become equal. This is the exponent value of the sum.
- Check the sign bit of the two numbers. If both are positive, add the two mantissas. If negative, then subtract the mantissas accordingly. If borrow has occurred during subtraction, take 2s complement of the mantissa.
- Call the obtained mantissa as sum_mantissa. The sum will contain 25-bits to accommodate overflow.
- Now the sum_mantissa needs to be normalized if needed. As we know, the sum_mantissa includes the implicit 1. This implicit 1 needs to be at bit location sum_mantissa[23] to comply with IEEE-754 format. If sum_mantissa[23] = 1, then no normalization is required.
- For achieving this, search for the first 1 occurring in sum_mantissa traversing right from MSB. Shift sum_mantissa in such a way that this 1 occurs at location sum_mantissa[23]. According to the shifts, the exponent of sum must also be adjusted.
- Now discard the implicit 1 and consider only the lower 23-bits of sum_mantissa. This will be the final value of sum_mantissa.
- Thus we have calculated the sign, exponent and mantissa of the sum. Combining the three in IEEE-754 format, we will have obtained the final result.
Verilog Code Logic:
The same logic as elucidated above will be implemented in Verilog. A completely synthesizable FSM model is implemented with the following signals:
clk, rst, X, Y (2 float operands to be added/subtracted), start (This pulse indicates start of computation)
sum (Result) and valid (This pulse indicates the availability of final result)
- In IDLE state, we wait for the start pulse. Upon its arrival, move to START state.
- In START state, we follow the algorithm for performing Float Addition/Subtraction and obtain the sum_mantissa.
- Final normalization step is performed in SHIFT_MANT state.
Verilog Code:
module Float_Add(clk,rst,start,X,Y,valid,sum); input clk; input rst; input start; input [31:0]X,Y; //In IEEE754 format output [31:0]sum; //In IEEE754 format output valid; reg X_sign; reg Y_sign; reg sum_sign,next_sum_sign; reg [7:0] X_exp; reg [7:0] Y_exp; reg [7:0] sum_exp,next_sum_exp; reg [23:0] X_mant, Y_mant; reg [23:0] X_mantissa, Y_mantissa; //24 bits = 23 + implicit 1 reg [24:0] sum_mantissa, next_sum_mantissa; //sum is 25 bits reg [8:0] expsub,abs_diff; reg [24:0] sum_mantissa_temp; reg [1:0] next_state, pres_state; reg valid, next_valid; parameter IDLE = 2'b00; parameter START = 2'b01; parameter SHIFT_MANT = 2'b10; assign sum = {sum_sign,sum_exp,sum_mantissa[22:0]}; assign add_carry = sum_mantissa[24] & !(X_sign ^ Y_sign); //carry during add assign sub_borrow = sum_mantissa_temp[24] & (X_sign ^ Y_sign); //borrow during sub always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst) begin if(!rst) begin valid <= 1'b0; pres_state <= 2'd0; sum_exp <= 8'd0; sum_mantissa <= 25'd0; sum_sign <= 1'b0; end else begin valid <= next_valid; pres_state <= next_state; sum_exp <= next_sum_exp; sum_mantissa <= next_sum_mantissa; sum_sign <= next_sum_sign; end end always @ (*) begin next_valid = 1'b0; X_sign = X[31]; X_exp = X[30:23]; X_mant = {1'b1,X[22:0]}; Y_sign = Y[31]; Y_exp = Y[30:23]; Y_mant = {1'b1,Y[22:0]}; next_sum_sign = sum_sign; next_sum_exp = 8'd0; next_sum_mantissa = 25'd0; next_state = IDLE; sum_mantissa_temp = 25'd0; case(pres_state) IDLE: begin next_valid = 1'b0; X_sign = X[31]; X_exp = X[30:23]; X_mant = {1'b1,X[22:0]}; //Implicit 1 added Y_sign = Y[31]; Y_exp = Y[30:23]; Y_mant = {1'b1,Y[22:0]}; next_sum_sign = 1'b0; next_sum_exp = 8'd0; next_sum_mantissa = 25'd0; next_state = (start) ? START : pres_state; end START: begin expsub = X_exp - Y_exp; abs_diff = expsub[8] ? !(expsub[7:0])+1'b1 : expsub[7:0]; //Absolute difference X_mantissa = expsub[8] ? X_mant >> abs_diff : X_mant; //X mant shifts if expsub[8] Y_mantissa = expsub[8] ? Y_mant : Y_mant >> abs_diff; //Y mant shifts if !expsub[8] next_sum_exp = expsub[8] ? Y_exp : X_exp; //Greater exp taken sum_mantissa_temp = !(X_sign ^ Y_sign) ? X_mantissa + Y_mantissa : //Add mantissas (X_sign) ? Y_mantissa - X_mantissa : (Y_sign) ? X_mantissa - Y_mantissa : sum_mantissa; next_sum_mantissa = (sub_borrow) ? ~(sum_mantissa_temp)+1'b1 : sum_mantissa_temp; //2s comp if req next_sum_sign = ((X_sign & Y_sign) || sub_borrow); next_valid = 1'b0; next_state = SHIFT_MANT; end SHIFT_MANT: //State to shift Mantissa to make bit23 = 1 begin next_sum_exp = sum_mantissa[23] ? sum_exp : (add_carry)? sum_exp + 1'b1 : sum_exp - 1'b1; next_sum_mantissa = sum_mantissa[23] ? sum_mantissa : (add_carry) ? sum_mantissa >> 1 : sum_mantissa << 1; next_valid = sum_mantissa[23] ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; next_state = sum_mantissa[23] ? IDLE : pres_state; end endcase end endmodule
module Float_Add_tb; reg clk,rst,start; reg [31:0]X,Y; wire [31:0]sum; wire valid; always #5 clk = ~clk; Float_Add inst (clk,rst,start,X,Y,valid,sum); initial $monitor($time,"X=%d, Y=%d, sum=%d ",X,Y,sum); initial begin //X=32'h40d80000; Y=32'hc0700000; //6.75,-3.75 //X=32'hc0d80000; Y=32'h40700000; //-6.75,3.75 X=32'h40700000; Y=32'hc0d80000; //3.75,-6.75 //X=32'hc0700000; Y=32'h40d80000; //-3.75,6.75 clk=1'b1; rst=1'b0; start=1'b0; #10 rst = 1'b1; #10 start = 1'b1; #10 start = 1'b0; @valid #10 X=32'h40d80000; Y=32'h40700000; //6.75,3.75 //#10 X=32'hc0d80000; Y=32'hc0700000; //-6.75,-3.75 start = 1'b1; #10 start = 1'b0; end endmodule
Simulation Result:
- The waveform has been displayed in Hex notation. The first inputs given are 3.75 and -6.75. The output obtained is -3 in IEEE-754 format.
- The second set of inputs given are 6.75 and 3.75. The output obtained is 10.5 in IEEE-754 format.
- Verify the number in IEEE-754 format using the h-schmidt converter.
This Floating Point Addition Algorithm implemented in this format can be implemented on FPGA devices.
Number of clock cycles taken to produce the output depends on how much shifting is to be done to normalize the mantissa of sum.
For a better understanding of Floating Point Addition, check this tutorial.
Hello sir,
ReplyDeleteThank you for the FP adder verilog code.
Why are there two results for one pair of inputs? If there are two inputs at one time, then there must be one output, but there are two outputs/results. Can you please explain?
DeleteWe do have only one output which is stored in variable sum. Could you clarify where do you see two outputs?
Thank you for the reply.
DeleteYes, there is one output but for one set of inputs (let's say X=32'hc0700000; Y=32'h40d80000; //-3.75,6.75 ), the program outputs two results as you can see in the attached snippet. The two values of the sum are:
0x40e00000 and 0x40400000
Oops sorry, I am not able to attach any snippet. Is there any way to show you the snippet
Also, can you please update the code and add the functionality of rounding by using Guard, Round and sticky bits?
DeleteBest regards,
The correct value of sum is to be taken when the valid signal is high. In your example quoted, valid is high only when the sum is 0x40400000. If your snippet does not match this explanation, please share the snippet through mail to electrobinary.vlsi@gmail.com
DeleteYes, thank you for the explanation.
DeleteCan you please release the updated version by adding the functionality of rounding to nearest Even using Guard, Round and sticky bits?
Thanks & Best regards,
Hello, I may not be able to do this right now. Will let you know once I get the time to do this.