Saturday, May 22, 2021

SystemVerilog Reference Sheet

Here is a quick reference sheet for SystemVerilog concepts which includes definition, syntax and examples. This should be helpful to refresh the basic SV concepts for interviews. 


1. Data Types

Bit , Byte (8 bits)
Logic, reg, wire
Int - shortint (16 bits), int (32 bits), longint (64 bits)


  • Static (packed format: [1:0][1:0]array and unpacked format: [1:0]array[1:0])
  • Dynamic - [ ] array - no width given initially
    Can be modified using new[], size() and delete() functions.
  • Associative - array [index_type]
    index_type can be of any type and not just integers.
  • Queues - queue [$]
    Example functions used with queue: push_back, pop_front

Structures: (can be packed or unpacked)
struct {
[list of variables]
} struct_name

A packed structure can be accessed by a single vector while unpacked structure needs to be accessed using individual fields.

Typedef causes creation of a user-defined data type.
Syntax: typedef [ enum | struct | union | class ] type_identifier

2. Function and Task

Function does not consume simulation time and cannot have time controlled events.
Pass by value (default)
Pass by reference - keyword: ref

Automatic tasks – memory allocated is separate for each task call, meaning multiple overlapping task calls will not interfere with each other.

Global tasks have global scope

3. Threads or Processes

Threads execute as separate entity within a process but they share same memory space.
Eg. initial block, always block, multiple begin-end statements within fork-join are all separate threads.

Processes are provided unique memory spaces/resources. So processes do not interfere with each other. Eg. Different fork-joins are different processes.

fork-join exits only after all threads are complete

fork  join_any (exits after completing any one thread)
fork  join_none (immediate exit)

disable_fork to force stop the fork-join execution

wait_fork waits until all fork-joins are over.

4. Interprocess Communication

Special resources to communicate between processes (by default, each process is independent)
Eg. Events, Semaphores, Mailbox.

4.1 Events

Event is a static object handle to synchronize between two or more currently active processes.

Trigger event using -> operator
Eg. @(posedge valid) -> event_name

Then wait for event using @ operator or .triggered (to avoid race condition)
Eg. @(event_name)

4.2 Semaphore

A semaphore key allows access to a shared resource one at a time.

semaphore key;
key = new(1);        //1 represents number of keys
key.get (1);            //get the key (resource is blocked)
key.put(1);             //put the key (resource is now available)

5. Mailbox

Data transfer channel between two components.
Put data using mbx.put() and get data using mbx.get() where mbx is a mailbox handle

6. Interface

A group of signals are bundled within an interface-endinterface block.
The direction of the signals is indicated by modport and all modports for that interface are present within the interface block.

Signals in an interface object are accessed using format: interface_object.signal

virtual interface is a pointer to an actual interface. It is used in tb environment to pass signals between tb components.
Syntax: virtual interface_name instance_name

6.1 Clocking Blocks

Signals within a clocking block will be sampled/driven with respect to that clock.

It is helpful when you want to sample/drive signals after a specified time delay. This can be specified using default.

## operator is used to delay execution for specified no of clock cycles
##2 is same as repeat(2) @ posedge clk

7. Class

Encapsulates signals, tasks/functions under a common block.
Declared within class and endclass keywords.
new () function is a constructor, to initialize values
this keyword is used to refer to variables within the current class.

Eg. class abc
abc abc_obj1, abc_obj2; //class handles
abc_obj1 = new ( ) //note that class object is created only after calling constructor. O
Accessing fn: abc_obj.fn_name ( )  //function is also called method

Inheritance: Derived class can be created using extends keyword.
Eg. class base extends derived
super keyword is used to call functions of base class.
By default, all class members have public scope.

Abstract class: virtual keyword creates an abstract class, cannot create object for abstract class.
A virtual method inside abstract class is called pure virtual method.

Consider two handles: From base class bc and derived class sc
bc = sc is allowed but sc = bc is not allowed

Virtual method: virtual function creates a virtual method which enables all child classes to override the base class method definition. So each child class can have a different function definition.
This is the base for Polymorphism. Same function name and arguments but different function definition based on the object.

Static variable: A static variable is one where the same copy of the variable is shared between all class objects.

Static method:
Can be called outside the class, called using :: operator
Cannot access non-static members
Cannot be virtual

Shallow copy:        obj2 = obj1
Deep copy:            obj2.copy (obj1)

8. Constraints

Randomization: variables are declared as rand (random) or randc (cyclic, repeats only after one cycle of values are completed). Use randomize ( ) to call the variable.

Constraints are used to restrict the values of random variables.
Format: constraint constraint_name {variable inside [5:10]}

Common constraints used:
Relational operators (<, >)
inside [upper_limit : lower_limit] and !inside
dist for weighted distributions (:= to specify weight)
Eg. 0:=10 means there is 10/(total chance) of picking value 0

Static constraints: shared across all class instances

9. Assertions

SV Assertions are used to perform Formal Verification. In this method, testbenches are written in the following fashion:
Inputs to DUT are constrained using assume directive
Required checks are made using assert conditions
Obtain functional coverage using cover property

Types: Immediate and Concurrent

Immediate Assertion: similar to if

assertion_name: assert (current state !=0)

Concurrent Assertion

Keyword: property

Format 1:
assert property (
@(posedge clk) disable iff (rst)
req | -> ##3 ack

Format 2: named property block
property PropName;
    @ (posedge clk) disable iff (rst)
    req | -> ##3 ack
AssertionName: assert property (PropName);

The above assertions checks if ack arrives 3 clocks after req is made, else an error is reported.

## measures delay as number of clock cycles.

| => can be used to evaluate RHS one clock cycle after LHS is true

Complex properties are built using sequences
sequence request Req; endsequence
sequence acknowledge ##[1:2]; Ack endsequence
property handshake; @(posedge clk) request |-> acknowledge;
assert property (handshake);

SVA consists of many system functions and operators which needs to be looked at.

10. Coverage

Two types: Functional coverage and code coverage.
Code coverage examines how much DUT code has been exercised in the testbench.
Functional coverage can be done in SystemVerilog using covergroup.

The variables to be covered come under coverpoint.
For each coverpoint, we have bins that indicate unique values (or features).


For more details, refer the following:

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