Sunday, February 28, 2021

MIPS Processor Design Using Verilog: Part 3

The previous two sections of the Processor Design series explored the intricacies involved in designing a simple MIPS based processor. In this final section, we will look at how the processor can be simulated and how we can check the results.

In Part 1 of the series, we had loaded three memories namely, the Instruction Memory, the Register file contents and the Data Memory using respective mem files.

Let us see how to provide data to the mem files to simulate the processor.

Instruction Memory (instrn_memory.mem)

Consider the following assembly code that you want to simulate using this processor.
(The number on the left represents instruction address)

00: add $t1, $t2, $t3        
04: lw $t1, $t2, 16'd4
08: beq $t1, $t2, offset
0C: add $t1, $t2, $t3
10: or $t2, $t3, $t4
14: sw $t1, $t2, offset

Totally we have 6 instructions. Now let us write them in the number code format based on the type of instruction (R or I-Type) as we discussed earlier. 

The code for each MIPS instruction is taken from the MIPS instruction manual and for the registers, it is taken from the register table as mentioned earlier. 

So the code now becomes:

00: 6'd0,5'd9,5'd10,5'd11,5'd0,6'h20
04: 6'h23,5'd9,5'd10,16'd4
08: 6'h04,5'd9,5'd9,16'd1 
0C: 6'd0,5'd9,5'd10,5'd11,5'd0,6'h20
10: 6'd0,5'd10,5'd11,5'd12,5'd0,6'h25
14: 6'h2B,5'd9,5'd10,16'd4

Convert this to hexadecimal representation:

00: 01 2A 58 20
04: 8D 2A 00 04
08: 11 29 00 01
0C: 01 2A 58 20
10: 01 4B 60 25
14: AD 2A 00 04

This is the data that we need to load in the instruction memory in a byte-wise manner.

Register Memory (reg_memory.mem)

This is the memory where the memory location corresponds to the particular register address.

We are using the following registers $t1, $t2, $t3 and $t4 in our above code which corresponds to the register addresses 09, 10, 11 and 12. 

Let us write some initial data 11 in $t1 and 22 in $t2. (locations 09 and 10)

Then the reg_memory.mem will look like this:

Data Memory (data_memory.mem)

As we know, this memory is used during the load and store operations. Let us fill some initial values in the memory as well.


Now we are completely ready with the Verilog design files for this simple processor.

The testbench for this will be simple. We just have to provide the clock and reset. The instruction memory will be loaded with the desired instructions and the simulation will take place as intended.

Here is the testbench to simulate the processor:

module Processor_Top_tb;

// Inputs
reg clk;
reg rst_n;

// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
Processor_Top uut (

always #5 clk = ~clk;

initial begin
	clk = 1'b1;
	rst_n = 1'b0;
	rst_n = 1'b1;

So that's all there is to it in the testbench part!
Let us now see how the waveform looks like.

Simulation Waveform:

I agree it is not the easiest of waveforms to comprehend at a glance!
However, we can see how the address increments by 4 every clock cycle, and the desired instruction is read out and executed every clock cycle.


For example: Let me explain the first instruction with instruction address 00h which occurs at 30ns once the reset is pulled high.
The first instruction is add $t1, $t2, $t3
Operation to be done: Add the contents of $t1 and $t2 and place the result in $t3.

Let us check each of the signals at 30ns.
in_address is ready with current address 00h + 4.
out_address shows the present address 00h.
instrn is ready with the first instruction to be executed.
read_addr1 and read_addr2 are holding the addresses of the desired registers $t1 and $t2.
read_data1 and read_data2 are holding the data present in the above registers respectively.
These are sent as inputs to the ALU where addition is performed and the result is present in result.

Back to the register file signals,
write_addr holds the address of the register to be written, which is that of $t3 (0b in hex).
write_en is 1 meaning data is being written.
write_data holds the desired sum which is 0033h.

This indicates that the first instruction has been successfully performed and completed in that clock cycle.
Similarly, the other instructions can be checked as well.
Every instruction executes and completes in a single clock cycle.

Computer Organization and Design by David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy

In chapter 4 of this book, you can find the complete explanation for the design of a processor. I have used the same approach and implemented the processor in Verilog.

Note that there are many approaches of designing a processor and many enhancements can be done as well. This is just one way of designing a simple processor. 

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